YearUp HTML Fundamentals test page

by Lain Taylor/Ana Aikman, to make sure I am doing the lessons right

Yeah. This is a paragraph element, and those? Up there? ^ Those are headers. Pretty sick, I know.

Wait 'till you see this list though:

This is just a list of the first people who came to mind. Hi guys!

You know, I am a big fan of Brackets (the program I'm using to edit this page).

THAT BEING SAID...I hate how it handles indentation. I mean, look at this!

Example of Brackets making me do inconsistent indentation

I get that this is partly user error, because these indents wouldn't be crazy in the first place if I wasn't constantly copy-pasting my own previous webpages into new ones.

BUT. I don't understand why it doesn't correct the indentation, and when I try to correct the indentation, it makes it as hard as possible to do so, to the point where I don't even feel like it's worth doing.

Sigh. Anyway, here's a table:

Awesome header